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Small Business Saturday - Supporting Local Businesses After Black Friday

Small Business Saturday is an annual shopping event that takes place on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which falls on November 26th this year. This day is dedicated to supporting small businesses and encouraging consumers to shop locally. It was first introduced in 2010 by American Express, and since then, it has become an important part of the holiday shopping season.

Small Business Saturday was created to help small businesses, which often struggle to compete with large retailers on Black Friday. The day is a way for consumers to show their support for local businesses and help them thrive. It's an opportunity to discover unique products and services, connect with the community, and contribute to the local economy.

In recent years, Small Business Saturday has gained popularity, with more and more people choosing to shop small. According to the Small Business Administration, in 2020, consumers spent $19.8 billion at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday.

Shopping local has many benefits. When you support small businesses, you help create jobs and stimulate the local economy. Small businesses are often run by people who live in the community, so the money spent there is more likely to stay in the community. Additionally, small businesses often offer unique products and services that are not available at big-box stores, making the shopping experience more personal and enjoyable.

This year, make a conscious effort to support small businesses on Small Business Saturday. Check out your local small businesses, and discover the hidden gems in your community. You'll not only be supporting your local economy, but you'll also be helping to build a stronger, more vibrant community.


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